To dear Daichi...

oh little sorry to announce to you and bust your bubble of drinking mojitos on the beach, shaking the maracas in the bars, taking tequilla shots with lime and salt, eating quesadillas at the corner vender, wearing a sombrero and telling everyone "im mexican".....cuz our brother Phil and his wife paula and kids are now moving back to SD! sorry bud....try another country yeah? its not good for u :P:P:P:P



October 30, 2009 at 4:48 AM

Oh dear sis, do not fret or worry, because i will be going to my home country someday, but for now i must put it on hold.But I guess it is only right of me to visit its dear and prosperous neighbor. The United States of America!Then maybe someday in the future will i see my hombre's and amigos again. ;)