my life in my mind has been utter confusion of late....
They say the first step is always the hardest...just wait till you get to the next step.
Everyday my mind is filled with possibilities, should i do this, should i do that? makes it diffucult to make decisions when ur filled with too many options.
A normal Long day for me. it goes a little something like this...
1.(morning) Wake up: my mind stops and tries to recollect reality for a couple of minutes. sick of it and wanting to go back to my dreamworld...till u realize, no, thats not happening. embrace reality and get on with it.
It so happens that whenever i wake up bright and early, my desire for life is to be a hippie...or a gypsy...or something of the combination of both. living a chilled life, without a care in the world...
2. Head to work:...usually supposed to be studying. which brings to mind that i have to do school, finish my tests so i can go get a decent job! Then i think, maybe i should save up and go to one of those smartasses, and live in plush apartments...hmm
3.(midday) Working: No customers....doodle as usual. realize, "hey, im actually not that bad...maybe i really should apply for art least i could live with it..." then, "ohhh riight...forgot how much it sucked"
4. (afternoon) still working: Maybe i really should continue with my singing. maybe i really should write some songs
make some songs
sing some songs
then sell some songs...and see how that goes.....hmm
5. observing families at work: "really, maybe i should meet some hot guy, marry him...have kids...and live the usual yet cliche life..(no offense mothers)" then...nah!! im still YOUNG, I Dont DO RELATIONSHIPS!! I HATE THE THOUGHT OF MARRIAGE! settles my case
6. (night) gets off work: WHAt am i THINKING!! hell, i love to party! maybe i should just get a decent job with decent money enough to have a decent place with decent furniture and maybe decent PEOPLE!!! and then party my life till i find the decency to be civilized.
7. or i could get that English Job with the foreign Company which pays quite decent given the percentage i got on my toeic. could also give me a good oppotunity to hobnob daily with nice foreigners. (wink)
okay...see there. too much thinking? nooooot just yet...
8. Home: (Viewing some form of entertainment) "wow Acting must be fun, i would Love to try that" then figures its too big for me...ferget it....
9. goes back to wanting to do the singing....
10 I really wanna be a hairstylist...and designer!!
11. aaaand if thaaat just aint enough, i can always combine everything together! move out, find a half decent job, while i party and try to work on the music side of things. make money possibly, do some designing and art, find a lovely man to settle down with, live that cliche life and THEN
12.Bed: " totally messed up...confused to say the least."
13. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
so goes the routine of my thoughts...almost daily...
now what to do.....
Honestly, i really dont want to plan out my having a trajectory of it...who wants a life written in stone. funs all about spontaneousness. at least it should be, for me. maybe not all.
Being Undecisive is absolutely Confusing~
just cant seem to figure out the Next Step....