i wake up...first thought that came to mind..
Everything in Japan is small and expensive! even the chicks! l-(
My bitter and sweet happenings :D
Posted by themountainchic Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 6:09 AM
i wake up...first thought that came to mind..
Everything in Japan is small and expensive! even the chicks! l-(
Posted by themountainchic Monday, July 13, 2009 at 7:41 AM
well, for an update for recent things that are happening, here it is. apologies for not keeping everyone in the know about things. ive just been busy...and i dont blog very often...but it is an easier means of updating people to save me the trouble of repeating myself. :)
so, in reply to the question ive been asked so much lately.."hows the singing going?"..Well, everyone its going great so far. heres a little idea of whats going on: This competition was originally for mcdonald crew members. but this year, not only can crew participate, so can anyone else. so, to give you some numbers, about 15000 people signed up for this competition, sending in their songs, or demos. out of that 15000, 800 were picked for a second audition/performance/competition. and out of that 800, ten are picked to go on to the national competition.
i participated in this competition as well. and passed the first one. and got called to SME by Sony music. and then was one of the 800 picked to go to this second audition. so far, i think things are going good. and now, if ive passed through to the final rounds...(aka. one of the ten people) then i will get a phone call by the end of this week.
now we wait...and see what happens next. :S